AskReddit asked users to share their favorite internet and computer tricks. Here are 27 of the best ones. I have used number one for many years and it has probably saved me at least a couple hours of my life collectively! There are some really great ones on this list! Enjoy!
27 People Share The One Cool Internet Or Computer Trick They...
Unsatisfyingly, the metaverse is a squishy concept. An evolution of the internet, it's often described as online spaces where people can socialize, work and play as avatars. Those spaces are shared and always available; they don't disappear when you've finished using them, like a Zoom call. The description is so broad that many people say the metaverse already exists in the digital worlds of Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite, which allow players to gather in 2D environments. Second Life, a nearly two-decade-old social-and-gaming platform, is the OG metaverse. (It's being revamped.) 2ff7e9595c