I too am trying to figure out the best way to calibrate via the tap-in-console. For infinity distance, I am wondering if multiplying the longest focal length by 50, then dividing by 1000, and multiplying by 2 would work. On the 70-200 that works out to the 20 meters Tamron quoted you, and on a 24-70 it works out to 7m. Thoughts?
On 50 times focal length. I think I may be doing something wrong. When you say 50 times the focal length being 40-55 meters, I am also multiplying by 50 but getting a much smaller number. If 70mm * 50 = 3500mm, then that is only 3.5m. I always thought this sounded too close, which is partly the reason I wanted to double it. That being said, what am I doing wrong?
Reikan Focal Pro Cracked.rarl
As far as aperture, on the 70-200 I use f2.8 and on the 24-70 I use f3.2 since the lens appears much sharper at 3.2. I think this will give focal better data to work with, even if the depth of field is slightly wider at 3.2 than 2.8.
In all cases, at nearly every focal length, and focus distance, the results were better manually using the Datacolor Spyder LENSCAL tool. This was backed up by walk around tests, comparing live view shots, to viewfinder shots.
I still need to figure out exactly how to calibrate for infinity. I was looking into the hyperfocal distances, but the distances are so long it seems that it would be quite hard. Have you found out anything else on this? I thought about finding a friend that speaks Japanese and having them reach directly out to Tamron Japan.